mr. goblin fellow; a short demo


A drawing with some watercolor on top of it.

A layer of Multiply to fill out the hazardously applied watercolor.

Some Screen for highlights...

Some Soft Light to warm things up a touch.

I knocked out the face just a little with a layer of Screen...

A layer of Color to deaden the face and pull back on the warmness.

Some darkening with Multiply...

Subtle line around the figure with Screen.

Screen highlights on the jacket...

Warming it up again with Soft Light.

At 9/08/2007 1:40 AM,
Unknown said…
VEry cooool!! Great to see the progress.
At 10/13/2007 12:52 AM,
Eli said…
Enjoying your demos! I'm still very new to Photoshop so I only half get what you are doing but I've definitely picked up some ideas, so thanks for that. I like how all the noodling and layers end up making a very non-digital looking image for you, I'm going to have to try my hand at some of your clever methods!
At 11/03/2007 2:47 AM,
ming said…
everything i visit your blog i am compelled to sat, thankyou:)
At 11/06/2007 8:15 PM,
Eric Deuel said…
Awesome Blog Thanks for the Inspiration!
At 10/03/2008 6:49 PM,
vijai said…
I get some new ideas from your blog.
I expecting others also get some new ideas.
At 9/09/2009 9:52 AM,
Wow Gold said…
nice blog.
At 9/15/2009 10:50 AM,
Obviouschild Productions said…
Great work. I am really diggin the process more than anything. I love seeing it. You should do a screen capture program at 1 frame per second...
At 1/14/2010 11:56 PM,
Aion Kinah Kaufen said…
Wow nice blog
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